Thursday, March 26, 2009

I want this model

Does anyone know where I can get this model without ordering $100 worth of stuff from GW? My wallet couldn't handle the strain right now.


  1. That is a beaut... Free with $100.00 order? That suckers not free, he costs a hundred bucks! Lol. Ahh the carrots GW dangles in our faces...

    Good luck with trying to get one bro. I'll keep my eyes open for ya :)

  2. How about it? I've spent enough money over the years! Thanks for keeping your eyes open!

  3. eff- I got one for you. and I am never going to use it because If/When I do get back into 40K I am going Guard..

    I'm sure you have something to trade...let's hook up for game..either WFB or LotR...I probably don't have any free time until after Adepticon but some time in april...or maybe try to make it out to our 1st post store club night 4/14


  4. Look on Ebay, they keep popping up but don't pay more than $30, £15 for one - more pop up all the time.

  5. awesome, John - Thanks buddy! I'm going to at least get to Adepticon this year. I'm working on building the lizardmen, so maybe we can throw down with those.

  6. Woo, it is an awesome looking model. Good luck wih the trade and the paint post when you get to it.
