Friday, June 19, 2009

Raptor Devastators

Here's my first Devastator Squad. Initially a 5-man unit, I'm planning to expand these guys to a full ten in compliance with the standard squad compliment. Made this from a standard Dev Squad kit, the only thing I don't like about the set is that it only comes with one missile launcher (with the updated backpack). I'd rather have two those and one less plasma cannon.


  1. get those boys based and they'll look great

  2. Also are you going to do a mass decaling when you have more stuff done? Personally I would prefer one less Heavy Bolter for another missile, 2 plasmas are good.


  3. Yeah. I'm trying to batch paint, then batch decal. I hate doing decals, but I'm lousy at free-hand.

  4. Personally for my devs I like 2 lascannon and 2 plasma cannon in a 10 man squad. Combat team them up and you have an anti-tank squad and a group of heavy infantry killers.

  5. I'd rather another multi-melta instead of ML. I have several MLs from Tactical squad sets!

    Nice work Hammer! You seem to be painting these guys faster than the Crimson Fists...that's a good thing!

  6. Great stuff. When you do decals, i strongly recommend Micro Sol and Micro Set solutions. They are brilliant for adhesion and 'melting' the transfer into the mini so it looks painted on. Pick it up in most hobby shos and ebay. I've started using the stuff now for the curved surfaces of the SM pads.

  7. Like Cawsbis said, the Devastators box would definitely be better if it had another multimelta instead of a missile launcher. Missile launchers are everywhere, MMs less so. It's also a shame they don't have another torso in there---otherwise there's everything you need to make 6 heavy weapons guys.
